Exhibited in Gallery Bincan (2021.03.15 - 08.21) 
Programs used: MAYA, Adobe Substance Painter, Arnold
The goldfish became a symbol of a small fish living in a small fishbowl. However, they can actually grow up to the size of their tank. But goldfish were made for ornamental purposes, so a lot of people still have a stereotypical image of a small goldfish. As such, we trap certain objects or ideas in a frame according to our perspective. However, there are more than two sides to all objects and ideas. There are much more things that are difficult to distinguish from one definition. Most people already know what the front side of the moon looks like, but not many people are curious about the back side of the moon. At this point, Newmoon desires to throw a question to the audience; "If you encounter something unfamiliar, will you reject it or accept it as an infinite possibility?"
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